I have a confession to make! I'm kindof get delayed whenever I start a new project. It can take a little while for me to set things up.
Several years ago, I worked at a cryptocurrency company -- and as a company, we had two goals. The first is to find a "consensus algorithm" that would be able to approve transactions at about the rate that Visa and MasterCard can approve transactions -- because waiting a day for a transaction to complete (which is where Bitcoin was at the time) is kindof unacceptable for something that's supposed to be used as currency! The second? To explore other things that cryptocurrency can do -- and among them was the possibility of putting software on the cloud, compiling it, and trading it, all managed by cryptocurrency transactions and smart contracts -- and one package management system we were encouraged to investigate for inspiration was NixOS. And I fell in love with it!
Now, just what is this NixOS thing? It's actually several things: a configuration language, a package manager, and an operating system, and maybe a thing or two besides. As a language -- it is weird and complex, and a source of great headaches! -- but it's also where its power lies -- the language can specify exactly what you need, and customize things very precisely. As a package manager, you can set it up on any Unix-like system and install NixOS packages that will work on the system (which, for Linux, means pretty much anything, because it's a Linux distribution, after all, but for Mac OS X, there's a *lot* of stuff available for installation!). And as an operating system -- well, it's a Linux OS, after all, so you can install it on your computer.
I initially used NixOS as a package manager for Debian and for Mac OS X, but I have "graduated" to installing NixOS on a computer itself. It was a bit of a challenge, but I don't regret it! NixOS has a solution for something that has annoyed me about other Linux distributions (and Mac OS X, too!): whenever I have a "blank" operating system, I have to remember the applications I installed before -- and while I try to keep notes of what those applications are, sometimes I forget to update the list, and often I have to just "get to work" and run into a situation where I need Package X, but discover it's not installed, and take a moment to install it.
The only advantage to this approach is that, every time I have to install a new version, some of the older software I'm no longer using (often because it was a "one off" for an exploratory workshop or installed out of curiosity) "disappears" simply because I don't get around to re-installing it.
With NixOS, I can specify all the packages I want installed in a single configuration file -- or, if it gets complicated enough, I can break it up into several smaller ones -- and I can also include information on user accounts and preferences for each package!
Yet, even with NixOS on my system, I still insist on creating a little "shell.nix" whenever I start a new project. Take my "HIVE" project, for example -- it's intended to be written in Common Lisp, but because it uses OpenGL, I need external GPU drivers and libraries installed as well -- that little "shell.nix" allows me to create a custom command line shell that installs SBCL and these libraries, and even sets up needed environment variables to make sure everything works. I can specify the version of SBCL I'd like to use, the versions of the libraries, and anything else I might need -- and all these things are independent of the OS I'm currently running!
This is much like the "virtual environments" that computer languages like Python and Ruby use, so that you don't get stuck with the out-of-date operating system version -- or, if your operating system is updated to a newer version, you don't have to get stuck with a project that no longer works because of breaking language changes. This is particularly valuable when you have a "legacy" project that you don't yet have time to update, and you're wanting to start a new project using a later version.
And this has, interestingly enough, also solved the "temporary package" problem I had before -- I can use a "shell.nix" file to temporarily install an application or two for a particular workshop -- or I can even do something like "nix-shell -p gimp" to drop me into a command line shell where Gimp is temporarily installed -- and once I close that shell, Gimp is no longer available. (Well, technically, it kindof is still available -- NixOS doesn't automatically delete temporarily-installed applications -- so, assuming I want to use the same version of Gimp I used before, NixOS doesn't necessarily have to reinstall it the next time I use "nix-shell -p gimp".)
So, whenever I embark on a new adventure, one of the first things I do is create (or more likely copy) a "shell.nix" file, and start figuring out what I need for my project. In the case of a "computer easel", I want to use FreeCAD, which needs Python -- and since I want to keep all the data for running FreeCAD "local" to the project, I had to take some time to figure out how to set up environment variables to inform FreeCAD where my "home", "data", and "tmp" directories were -- and I had to figure out where I wanted them.
But I have that working now -- and, as a bonus feature, if I wanted to share my FreeCAD configuration with others, I think I just have to share this "shell.nix" file and the above directories. I'm not 100% sure about that, though, because I'm not 100% certain if I figured out where FreeCAD keeps all of its configuration.
Overall, though, this allows me to have complete-ish control over the setup. While I have had some surprises over the years, even with NixOS, I have nonetheless appreciated having a single spot where I can maintain a project's dependencies, without having to figure out what's on the particular system I'm currently using!
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