Monday, February 24, 2025

Thoughts on Practical Interface Design

Apple has some interesting notions about software interface design that I find amusing -- and also deeply irritating.  I appreciate their reasoning, but the axioms they use as a basis for their reasoning are deeply flawed!

One is "the five closest points to the mouse cursor are where the cursor is, and the five corners of the monitor".  This makes intuitive sense -- because you can "fling" a cursor to a corner, and it would come to a hard stop -- and this is the foundation for putting the menu of the active app on the top of the screen, rather than at the top of the window.

The problem with this, however, is that it only makes sense when the screen is the size of a postcard (which was literally true of the first Macintoshes -- ok, maybe my memory is skewed here, but they nonetheless were rather small) or maybe even the size of a VGA monitor -- but, as I discovered when one of my employers provided me a nice, giant, curved monitor, and a Mac laptop that I could plug into that monitor ... this entire dynamic changes!  When you're on the lower right corner, this principle puts the menu up in the upper-left corner, and when you can literally choose between "distance moved on screen" and "distance as the crow flies" to describe the distance one needs to travel ... and where it might even be reasonable to describe said distance in "yards" or at least "feet" instead of "inches" -- all of the sudden, this one principle requires me to pick up my mouse several times to reach the menu.

What's worse, I have come to appreciate a feature under Linux, where I could hover my mouse over a partially covered window, and it becomes "active" without pulling it to the top -- such a feature is useful to have a browser with helpful information over a command line window where you're trying to use that information -- and while this can be sortof emulated under Mac OS X, it can only be partially emulated, because if you had this feature, and needed to cross several windows to access the menu, the menu would have changed several times by the time you get to it!

Fortunately for me, when I was given a curved screen, my employer also provided me a desktop computer, and promptly had me install Linux, so I was able to install KDE, which gave me the Windows-style convention of "menu on each window".  It's tempting to say that this is Linux's style, or at least KDE's, but it's more accurate to say that the driving force behind Linux user interface design is flexibility.  Indeed, if I preferred MacOS's design decisions, I can easily find them in Gnome, an alternative to KDE.

Another principle is "we have studies that show it's faster to use the mouse than it is to use the keyboard to edit text, but everyone thinks it's faster to use the keyboard".  The "studies" they rely on involve asking random people to do mundane tasks like "go through this paragraph and replace every 'e' with an underscore '_' -- and, surprise, it's easier and faster to do this with "point and click" than it is to arrow down to each letter, and then make the replacement.

Of course, as an avid user of Vim, I cannot help but ask "Why not just visually select the paragraph, type 's/e/_/gc', and after highlighting all the matches, manually approve one or two of the search-and-replaces for a couple of of times, and then hit 'a' to change all other matches when you're satisfied with the result?"  The Apple response to this, though, is "We're designing an interface for the 'average' person, not the power user!" but the proper response to this is "Yes, it's nice to have simple-yet-painful interfaces for the 'average' person who is going to do anything only once or twice -- but we need to cater for the power users, too, because eventually, in at least some tasks, the 'average' person is going to want to cross over the line into 'power user'!"

So, yeah, I'm not entirely a big fan of Apple's user interface design principles.  They sound good in the abstract, but they have led the designers astray to produce some awful designs!

Since I'm in the process of trying to figure out how to create my own Dual-Quaternion based 3D CAD-like system, I've given some thought about how things ought to be designed ... and I think the guiding principle I'm most attracted to is flexibility:  Don't try to predict what any particular user is going to need, instead, provide the tools necessary for the user to create and customize their own interface!

The fundamental principles behind all these are perhaps the most important:  first, enable flexibility, second, put as many things under your finger tips as possible, third, it's nice to be able to select anything and everything and copy them, and fourth, don't clobber user data -- and everything is user data.  I also have a couple of principles than I don't yet know how I'll implement -- the fifth is take advantage of the strengths of every input method (for years, the default treatment of touch screens under Linux has been to treat the touch screen as another mouse, which is annoying when you touch the upper half of the touch screen, and it sends the information to the second monitor that isn't a touch screen), as well as a sixth, the user should always have complete control over the program (which will probably need me to figure out how to install and use Real Time Linux).

So, with these principles in mind, I have had the following generic thoughts about the user interfaces I'd like to try to implement:

  • Anything that a user can do, to the practical extent possible, should be captured in undo trees of some sort -- perhaps even made version-controllable,
  • All functions of an application ought to be available to the user, to be bound to any key, or touch, or mouse movement, or gesture, available to the user (as inspired by Emacs),
  • The command line is a special interface:  it allows us to describe what we are trying to do with text, and this enables scripting, as well,
  • For every workflow, it should be possible to work out a "language" that can translate to keys on a keyboard -- much like how Vim approaches text editing -- although that "language" might differ from team to team, or even individual to individual, or project to project,
  • There is only one place closest to the cursor, and that's where the cursor is at this given moment.  It should be simple to pop up a circular menu at that particular point, probably by right-click, which can then open up to other circular menus -- and every such menu should have a "computer" icon on top (at 12 o'clock), an "application" menu just to the right (at 11 o'clock), an "environment" level just to the right at that (10 o'clock), and an exit button at the very center,
  • Perhaps every "icon" should have a character point in UTF, to the extent possible, and every help text, warning, and possibly graphic should be selectable by mouse and copyable to the right medium,
  • It should be possible to create menu-ish panels that consist of easy-to-access functions, information to be watched or examined, and icons to access various things; every such panel should be "locked" into place, with a little "lock" icon, that must be explicitly unlocked before menu items can be added or removed, or the panel itself be moved or resized (I have been both impressed by Ansys's ability to manipulate "default" menu and information panels, and annoyed by how easy it could be to accidentally change them, without knowing how to undo the changes, or even having the option to undo them! which, to be fair, I think Ansys has, I just don't remember how to use it),
  • It should be possible to view all panels available at any given moment, even if some of them are hidden, via some sort of "explosion" mechanism that keeps everything in place unless someone moves them (much like MacOS and KDE has for windows, although both seem to randomize what they show, and neither provides ways to organize the windows on the screen in this mode, without mechanisms to preserve these changes between "explosions"),
  • Everything associated with a project should be kept in a structured file format that can be explored by command-line tools, and in particular, as text files where possible, and while automatic strategies can be provided for inserting new things into these files, any changes made by a user needs to be respected -- and any changes that a user might do, that would break the system (eg, syntax errors, system display changes, etc) needs to be handled gracefully by the system -- so that the user will feel free to experiment without fear of everything coming crashing down (to the extent possible -- we are dealing with complex systems, after all, and we cannot fully understand what we are doing!) -- in other words, as I currently envision it, I intend my projects to be "text editors" that can keep track and edit "non-text" information.
I think some of these are contradictory, some of them may prove to be impractical, and while I have given these notions a lot of thought over the years (well, some of them -- my menu and panel ideas are relatively new), I do not know how they will work out in practice.

But then, if I knew what I was doing, it wouldn't be research, now, would it?

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